
a glimpse of what I've built.


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Paper Brain 📄

Unlock the true potential of research, a platform to seamlessly access and understand research papers.

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Healthy Eat 🥗

one-stop solution to get an insight about the food you consume and discover recipes that suit our preferences

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Legal AI 🎓

Decode complex legal documents, gain constitutional insights, and create standard legal agreements.

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script aid 🤖

AI-powered writing assistant that helps to write Blogs, Tweets, Emails & LinkedIn posts in effortless & efficient way.

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Code Book 💻

go to platform for all the CS folks & software devs, helps you store, generate, translate and explain code with a single click.

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prognosis 🦠

Streamlit app containing prediction system for Diabetes, Parkison's Disease, Heart Disease and Breast Cancer.


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get sanity 🧠

An initiative to help people get insight about their mental status and understand the disorders they might have.

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Food Fix 🍱

Allows users to enter their allergies, diets, preferences, and dislikes to generate a recipe that's perfect for them

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blog 📝

Personal Blog where I regularly publish articles on diverse topics. Previously served as my portfolio website as well.

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Bee Happy 🐝

a simple web application which involves a facial recognition system and a chatbot to assist people in being happy

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hospline 🏥

Join virtual queues at hospitals and vaccination centers to maintain social distancing and prevent the spread of Covid-19.


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to do list 🔖

This is a simple ToDo list app which can be used to manage daily tasks.

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Weather App🌤️

Webapp to get weather details of any location by making API calls.